Tuesday 31 January 2012

A walk from Gorky Park to Christ Our Saviour Cathedral.

Myself and Cynthia took a walk from Gorky Park to Red Square at the weekend. It was a cold (-24c) but very beautiful day, with not a cloud in the sky. We first started our walk Oktiabrskaya Metro and walked towards Gorky Park.

A beautiful church at Oktiabrskay

Lenin Statue at Oktiabrskaya

Moscow traffic - It is manic all the time!!

Lenin Statue at Oktiabrskaya

We visited Gorky Park which is a amusement park in Moscow. It is popular in the summer for concerts and in the winter for ice-skating and ice-sculptures. The park also has kids rides and amusements all year round. The park opened in the late 1920s and is located at Krymsky Val and is situated alongside the Moscow River. It is the park used in the film and novel "Gorky Park".

Ice Sculptures

Entrance to Gorky Park

Gorky Park

 Coins for good luck  sticking to the ice-scultures

Gorky Park

Looking rather cold at Gorky Park

A russian aircraft exhibition in the park. The tradition Soviet style flats in the background.

Another Russian plane.

From Gorky Park, we then walked along the Moscow River.

The famous frozen Moscow River

Government building with the bronze soliders on the top.

Cannon outside the Government building.

St David's church

Christ our Saviour Cathedral from the distance

Peter the Great - statue

Some tradition Russian buildings.

Early evening in Moscow

A huge chocolate factory that I want to visit!

You never get bored of the view of the Kremlin.

The Moscow River


One of my favourite photographs of Christ our Saviour Cathedral

I must admit I have quite enjoyed January compared to December. Although it is colder, it is also much lighter and I am enjoying the extra hour or so of daylight.

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