Thursday 12 January 2012

Moscow at night

A selection of night shots  taken at Red Square  and the surrounding area. There is always something colourful and enjoyable to see and capture there. The entire square is not only impressive in the day time, it's also a great spot to enjoy Moscow's night life when the buildings sparkle and shine with hundreds of flashing lights.

Outside the Red Square, the National History Museum is behind me.

Standing outside the underground shopping mall. The dome is only part above ground.

Moscow busy all day and night.

Outside Resurrection Gate. Russian Father Christmas is infront of me in red. 

Outside GUM shopping centre

St Basil's Cathedral

St Basil's Cathedral

In the middle of Red Square - Lenin's Mausoleum to the left, along with the Kremlin wall and the National History Museum behind me. 

Outside St Basil's Cathedral

Busy Red Square from the Moscow River.

Moscow River

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