Monday 30 April 2012

Tsaritsyno Park

The history of the Tsaritsyno Palace dates back to the 16th century when Tsarina Irina, the wife of Tsar Fyodor had an estate here. 

In the following centuries it changed its owner several times. In the late 18th century the complex was partly torn down and rebuilt after plans of empress Catherine the Great.

The whole complex, which was never finished is located in a large park which is also home to several pavillions, churches, pergolas and bridges. The park is a popular place for excursions.

Billy, Kirsteen, Marina and Suzanne having a picnic
Marina, Amanada, Billy and Suzanne

Some of the beautiful buildings at Tsaritsyno Park

Suzanne and Billy with the statue

Amanda and Billy with Statue.

Church in Tsaritsyno Park

The church

The beautiful buildings

]Some of the bridges.

Billy having fun.

The lovely lake.

The peaceful lake.

Suzanne in front of the huge water fountain.

The huge fountain.

The beautiful park.

A lovely peaceful day for a picnic with friends.

Sokolniki Park and Moscow Zoo with Billy

I spent a afternoon looking after a colleagues little boy, so we decided to visit the Ice Sculptures. However we were disappointed to find out that the museum closed a few weeks before. But Billy had a lovely time playing in the park, eating ice-cream and going on the trampoline. The weather was lovely and we had a great time. So since the we couldn't see the Ice-sculptures we took a trip to Moscow Zoo and we loved it!

Billy with the Bear - Moscow Zoo

Look I can roar like a lion

The penguins are so cute!

Look Miss Suzanne I can balance on a turtle

Suzanne and Billy at Sokolniki Park fountain

Billy at Sokolniki Park fountain

Billy at the Playground.

Billy enjoying this chocolate ice-cream.

Look at my tricks on the trampoline Miss Suzanne

Billy and the giraffe

Billy and the bull.

The little fish.

Birds at Moscow Zoo

Parrots at Moscow Zoo

Look Miss Suzanne the bird is following me!

Billy and the emus.

Billy and the tiny bird.

Strange Sculpture at entrance.

How cool am I

Billy and the elephant

The beautiful Owl.

Never Smile at a Crocodile!

I took a quick trip to the Richskaya Railway Museum. It was really interesting to look at all the old trains that were build in the Soviet times (e.g. USSR). Many of the trains were built before 1910 and they have been restored.

Statue outside the Metro

Richskaya Railway Station

Memorial to WW2

A selection of Soviet Trains on display. It was a lovely sunny day to walk around (28c)