Saturday 8 October 2011

Lenin's mausoleum

The Muscovites have a joke, saying that "you know you're from Moscow if you've never seen Lenin". And it's true, it is a place that mainly attracts tourists. But is it worth even for us? Yes, I think it definitely is.
First of all, there was a huge line, but it went quickly, so we waited around 10 minutes. However, you are not allowed to enter with any camera/mobile phone, and if you have them with you, then you must leave them at the wardrobe, where you must pay and wait for much longer in line.

Once you get in, there are guards at every corner, all of them very serious. The stairs take you down in a sort of spiral and then you enter the room, dark, with Lenin's body inside a glass coffin, in the middle, lights on his hands and face. You must keep silent (the guards are there, too) and move on, you're not allowed to stay too much. Then you're out and on the way out of the red square, you pass many graves on the Kremlin wall.
Why bother to visit the mausoleum? Because the atmosphere is unbelievable. You will be amazed at how he's treated.

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