Saturday 3 September 2011

Ploshchad’ Revolutsii Metro Station

There is a student's belief about the station "Ploshchad’ Revolutsii" of Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line of Moscow Metro.  There are statues of a dog with a border guard, which are located in the arches of the station, and if you pat the nose of a dog you’ll definitely pass all the exams successfully. As a result of the actions based on this belief, a dog's nose shines like a well-polished samovar.

People are constantly coming to the statues at the station, even if they are not superstitious. Patting the dog's nose passing through the station "Ploshchad’ Revolutsii" has become a tradition of the Moscow Metro.

Other Statue in Ploshchad’ Revolutsii

The architecture in Ploshchad’ Revolutsii metro station.

Lucky dog statue


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