Saturday 3 September 2011

Izmaylovo market

Inside the market

A stall selling traditional Russian souvenirs.

The entrance to the market
Izmaylovo market is a large open air market situated near Izmaylovsky Park. The nearest metro is Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya. The market contains hand craft items, Rusisan dolls, copied CD/DVDs, military good and souvenirs.

As you enter the market, there are DVD/CD's for sale and painted boxes and Russian dolls but go further on up the blue steps and you will find a variety of old stuff, from real antiques, paintings to total junk. Most of the Sellers speak some English and will quote you some outrageous prices, simply because you are foreign and they try their luck, genuinely believing that some people really are stupid enough to pay them what the ask for. So you need to haggle.

Izmaylovo market was well worth a visit and a good way to waste time on a Saturday morning. I managed to get a couple of nice souvenirs.

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