Thursday 10 May 2012

Church of the Spilled Blood - St Petersburg

The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood  is one of the main sights of St Petersburg..
The Church was built on the site where Tsar Alexanders II  was assassinated and was dedicated in his memory. It should not to be confused with the Church on the Blood in Hour of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land, located in the city Yekaterinburg  where the former Emperor Nicholas II (1868–1918) and several members of his family and household were executed following the Bolshevik Revolution.

This church is an extraordinally structure, intricate ad intensely appealing to the eye. You must circle it and observe all the details to appreciate it.The it a example of Slavic architecture.

The roof inside the Cathedral

Beautiful artwork

Religious artwork

The Cathedral of the Spilled Blood

Religious artwork

The exterior to the cathedral

The gold and jewels inside

A beautiful archway

Some of the amazing detail inside the Cathedral

Outside the Cathedral.

Outside the amazing Cathedral

Religious Artwork

The main area of the Cathedral

The Cathedral of the Spilled Blood

The variety of colours used outside the Cathedral

Detail on the metal door

Part of the roof inside the Cathedral

Suzanne standing outside the Cathedral of the Spilled Blood.

Suzanne inside the Cathedral of the Spilled Blood.

The Cathedral of the Spilled Blood from the river.

More gold used in sculptures.

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