Monday 20 February 2012

Novodevichy Convent

  Novodevichy Cemetery is a large park and church by the Moscow river. You can go in and walk round the cemetery.

The graves are amazing (if graves can be amazing). The cemetery is packed with the famous and infamous. Many graves have enormous headstones and statues carved out of solid granite and sandstone. I can't imagine how much these headstones cost? I would think many thousands of pounds. I don't think the 'state' would pay for such things nowadays to rememeber their hereo's, which is rather sad. These statues are larger than life monuments to dead and famous Russians and really worth seeing.

There are artists, scientists and many former Russian solderers and Soviet hero's. Resting below the church and cemetery is a large green large park.

Novodevichy Convent - I am  looking rather cold!

A beautiful winter day at Novodevichy Convent

Cynthia at Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

The beautiful religious icons inside the church at Novodevichy Convent

Another winter photograph!

Carrie and Suzanne at Novodevichy Convent

A tiny little church building

The wall to Novodevichy Convent

Some of the graves in Novodevichy Convent

The beautiful religious buildings.

The Bell Tower at Novodevichy Convent

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