Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas at Atlantic International School - We performed the Nutcracker

Children before other Nut.cracker Performance


Father Frost

Children waiting for Father Frost

The Children in Year 1 and 2 performed "The Nutcracker" for their parents. They did a brillant of learning the words for the play, the dance routines and some Christmas songs. Lots of parents came to
watch the show. All children from Pre-Nursery (age 2) to Year 2 (age 6) took part in the show. After the
school - Ded Moroz (Father Frost), came to the classes and gave the children a present. All children had to sing a song, perform a dance or recite a poem for Ded Moroz. Children are not given presents without performing a party tricky -they have to prove that they have been working hard and behaving.


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