Friday 25 November 2011

Look what I saw on the metro

Well, you dont expect to see a dog on the metro.In Soviet times, dogs were barred from Moscow's metro. Today, however, they are so common there - curling up on empty seats, nuzzling their neighbors, lounging in stations

As the number of cars in Moscow has exploded, and their speed increased from the days of Soviet clunkers, strays have learned to cross the street with pedestrians. They can also be seen occasionally waiting for a green light. (Dogs are colorblind, so researchers theorize they recognize the shape or position of the walking-man signal.)

A total of about 500 strays on average live in its stations, especially during colder months. Of these dogs, about 20 are believed to have learned how to use the system as a means of commuting. Theories to explain how they are able to correctly determine their routes include:
  • an ability to judge the length of time spent on the train in between stations/time intervals
  • recognition of the place names announced over their train's loudspeaker
  • the scents of particular stations
  • a combination of such factors.

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